Journal papers





Menghao Qin, Jun Yang Evaluation of different thermal models in EnergyPlus for calculating moisture effects on building energy consumption in different climate conditions November 2016 Building Simulation, an International Journal
Weihui Liang, Mengqiang Lv, Xudong Yang
The effect of humidity on formaldehyde emission parameters of a medium-density fiberboard: Experimental observations and correlations
May 2016 Building and Environment
Weihui Liang, Mengqiang Lv, Xudong Yang The combined effects of temperature and humidity on initial emittable formaldehyde concentration of a medium-density fiberboard
March 2016 Building and Environment
Weihui Liang, Menghao Qin A simulation study of ventilation and indoor gaseous pollutant transport under different window/door opening behaviors December 2017 Building Simulation, an International Journal
Weihui Liang, Xudong Yang, Fengna Chen, Mengqiang Lv, Shen Yang A Pre-assessment and Control Tool for Indoor Air Quality (PACT-IAQ) Simulation in Actual Buildings 2017 Procedia Engineering
Abadie, Marc; Wargocki, Pawel; Rode, Carsten and Zhang Jensen Proposed Metrics For IAQ in Low-Energy Residential Buildings 2019 ASHRAE Journal
Cony Renaud-Salis, Louis; Ramalho, Olivier and Abadie, Marc
Towards the definition of an indoor air quality index for residential buildings based on long- and short-term exposure limit values 2019 International Journal of Ventilation
Zhenlei Liu, Andreas Nicolai, Marc Abadie, Menghao Qin, John Grunewald, Jianshun Zhang Development of a procedure for estimating the parameters of mechanistic VOC emission source models from chamber testing data March 2020 Building Simulation, an International Journal
Zukowska, D, Rojas, G, Burman, E, Guyot, G, Bocanegra-Yanez, MDC, Laverge, J, Cao, G & Kolarik, J Ventilation in low energy residences – a survey on code requirements, implementation barriers and operational challenges from seven European countries 2020 International Journal of Ventilation
14 DECEMBER 2024